IB Team
IB Coordinator
As the IB Coordinator at Aarhus Gymnasium my main tasks are to give guidance to students and staff concerning all aspects of the IB Diploma Programme. Apart from being responsible for the day to day administration of the programme, I am also in charge of organising the IB exams. I work closely with the teachers, the Pre-IB Coordinator and the school's management team to ensure that the core values and high academic standards that characterise the IB are transferred to the school.
If you have a question about the IB, then please do not hesitate to contact me.
Best regards,
Malene Sørensen, IB Coordinator
Phone: +45 6198 7388
Pre-IB Coordinator / Head of IB Admissions
As pre-IB coordinator I am responsible for existing pre-IB students as well as students interested in applying for the pre-IB programme. I administer the pre-IB programme which means I offer support to the teachers and the students about subject requirements, schedule different pre-IB related activities, plan end-of-year exams and follow up on students who are not fulfilling their academic potential. Regarding new pre-IB students, I host several information events about the content and requirements of the pre-IB programme and am available for individual meetings regarding the application process.
I work closely with the pre-IB teachers, the student counsellor and the IB coordinator in ensuring the best possible education for each student.
As Head of IB Admissions I am responsible for the admissions process from initial contact to acceptance and enrolment. I counsel and support applicants and their families about the programmes, the school and their applications, as well as plan and carry out the admission tests.
Best regards,
Maria Friis Lindinger, Pre-IB coordinator
Phone: +45 2072 8484
Mail: mfli@aarhustech.dk
IB Student Counsellors
Dear pre-IB and IB students
We are your student counsellors and our main task is to make sure that the pre-IB and IB students at Aarhus Gymnasium get the best possible outcome and results from the course. We will try to guide you into having appropriate study habits and social behavior and provide support for those of you who need it. We keep an eye on the progress of each individual pre-IB or IB student and will intervene offering relevant advice and help.
Individual talks
Students can always address us whether the issue is personal problems, subject specific problems or advice concerning the choices that have to be made during the IB course. It is always a very good idea for students to inform us if there are any circumstances that might have an influence on how the student is able to perform during the IB course.
We will monitor how the individual classes thrive and if there is a good classroom environment. We will cooperate with the teachers of the class, the class team and the Pre-IB Coordinator and IB-coordinator to have regular updates on the proceedings in the class.
Parents are always welcome to contact us if they have questions, considerations or concerns related to the school attendance / schooling of the students.
Office hours
If you want to talk to us feel free to stop by the counsellors’ office during office hours.
Best regards,
Nicoline Engers Gregersen, Pre-IB Student Counsellors
Phone: +45 2223 4170
Stine Nørgaard Klarskov, IB1 Student Counsellors
Phone: +45 2223 4585
Kristine Krogh Vesterstrøm, IB2 Student Counsellors
Phone: +45 2223 4155
C.A.S. Coordinators
Who are we?
Your CAS coordinators are Maria and Danny. For a number of years, we have been involved in many extra-curricular activities such as the school musical, sports day, music cafés, International Day, etc. We both teach in the IB; Maria is also responsible for the school's Pre-IB programme.
What do we do?
We keep track of each student via ManageBac (our online CAS system), but it is important to stress that it is your responsibility to plan and carry out a satisfactory CAS programme and also to reflect upon your CAS activities. We are here to guide and help you with ideas and the school provides a number of CAS Clubs with a breadth of different CAS activities.
We work with external contacts such as partner schools in other countries, such as Portugal and Palestine as well as local projects and organizations. In 2018, we successfully arranged an outdoor festival for young people with ADHD, learning difficulties and handicaps and we have cooperated with a number of local and national charities.
When is the CAS Office open?
Always - You are always welcome to contact us to discuss your CAS programme. Either find us in our offices, grab hold of us in the corridors or email us to schedule a talk.
Kind regards,
Danny Thomas Goodwin
Phone: +45 6171 3402
Mail: dtg@aarhustech.dk
Maria Friis Lindinger
Phone: +45 2072 8484
Mail: mfli@aarhustech.dk