IB in Aarhus
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What is the IB?
The IB Diploma Programme (IBDP) is an internationally minded and recognised course available to students typically aged 16 to 19, which opens doors to leading universities around the world. Currently on offer in 139 countries around the globe, IB students thus become part of a greater community united by the same mission statement and Learners profile.
In this broad and academically challenging programme that develops reflective and critical thinkers, students study 6 subjects, typically one subject from each subject group and 3 at standard level and 3 at higher level.
IB in Aarhus
Based in Aarhus, Denmark’s second biggest city, AARHUS GYMNASIUM is part of AARHUS TECH, a broad family of educational programmes in the Aarhus area. AARHUS GYMNASIUM offers the one-year pre-IB and the two-year IB Diploma Programme. The Pre-IB is a one-year educational programme, governed by the Danish Ministry of Education, and is for students who require or choose additional schooling before entering the academically challenging two-year IB Diploma Programme.
At AARHUS GYMNASIUM we pride ourselves on our diversity and the synergy that exists between a truly international environment and Danish educational and cultural traditions. Our teachers are subject specialists who all have at least a Master’s degree from university. Several of our teachers are IB examiners, others have published subject-specific works and we are proud of the diversity and high standards of our teaching staff.
Our IB completion rates are very high and our exam results are consistently above the world average and among the best in Denmark. Our students successfully apply for university entrance in Denmark and in countries around the world and many of our alumni emphasise the school’s international environment and the IB Diploma Programme’s academic rigours as aspects that have helped them in their transition from their studies at AARHUS GYMNASIUM to further educational programmes.
The school is renowned for its democratic principles and active student council and those who study the IB Diploma Programme at AARHUS GYMNASIUM do so in a school characterised by active student participation, where influence and responsibility are vital ingredients. Our location enables and encourages us to interact with the city of Aarhus and our IB students have contributed to many charitable, cultural and sporting events in Aarhus, not least through the many CAS-activities that our students have undertaken.
Welcome to the IB at AARHUS GYMNASIUM!
Where to find us
Just a few minutes by bus from downtown Aarhus.
IB Subjects and Core Elements
All students entering the two-year IB Diploma Programme (IBDP) at Aarhus Gymnasium study the subject courses offered by the International Baccalaureate and our students sit the IB’s widely-recognised examinations. To complete the IB Diploma, students must ordinarily choose one subject from Groups 1 to 5, and then a sixth subject chosen either from Group 6, or from Groups 1 to 4. A large number of our students choose to do two Group 1 languages (which anulls the requirement for a Group 2 language). Students who complete the IBDP with two Group 1 languages are awarded a Bilingual IB Diploma.
In addition, students must also complete the IB Diploma Programme’s ‘core’ which consists of a course in Theory of Knowledge, a programme of Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS) and an Extended Essay (4,000 words) in a subject of their choice.
AARHUS GYMNASIUM currently offers the following IB Diploma Programme subjects:
Danish Literature
English Language and Literature
English Literature
Self-Taught Literature
Environmental systems and societies (ESS)
Danish ab initio
French ab initio
Spanish ab initio
Danish B
English B
Applications and interpretation
Analysis and approaches
Global politics
Visual arts
Individual subjects
Descriptions of the individual subjects can be found by choosing 'Diploma Programme Subject Briefs' on ibo.org
Self-Taught Literature, ab initio languages, Psychology and ESS are only available at Standard Level (SL), while English B is only available at Higher Level (HL). For the full Diploma, students must take three subjects at Higher and three at Standard Level. Higher Level (HL) subjects entail additional curricular requirements, more exams and greater depth of analysis.
Subject selection is important with regards to university possibilities, so we recommend that students discuss selections with student counsellors, parents, teachers etc. We also cooperate with Studievalg Østjylland to provide up to date information on university applications and requirements.
Parents' night
Each year the IB Seniors – IB2 go on a study trip to explore Theory of Knowledge and perform CAS activities. The experiences are then displayed at an annual Theory of Knowledge and CAS study Parent’s night Celebration, which is open to parents and friends.
Click to read a little about the study trip and watch previous winners of “Best TOK and CAS Display”.

Five reasons for choosing the IB
- You get to study with classmates from all over the world
- Your lessons are in English. This prepares you for future studies and careers. You have access to the same university programmes as a student with a Danish high school diploma
- You can choose combinations of subjects that are unique in Denmark
- You organize your own CAS-programme, which encourages you to develop your creativity, be active and to provide service to others
- You become part of a worldwide IB community with similar and shared experiences

The pre-IB programme
The Pre-IB year consists of both set and elective subjects, all taught with an international perspective. This is combined with courses in Pre-TOK and Pre-CAS, which mirror some of the holistic characteristics of the Diploma Programme and encourage students to think beyond the confines of the classroom. Together, this enables our Pre-IB students to gain fundamental subject knowledge and make informed choices about their subject choices for the Diploma Programme.
IB - team

Results and testemonials
Denis: "I fell in love with this school and it gave me the motivation to come back day after day to gain knowledge and develop not only as a student, but also as a human being. "
Life after IB: choose from many higher education programs
Choose among a plethora of higher education programmes with as an IB graduate. Journalism, business economics, medicin, engineering, art, teaching, or something completely different, either way, you're off to a good start an IB graduate. If you dream about studying or working abroad, or if you wish to end up in a company or position with international dealings, the IB will provide you with a solid foundation.
The options are plenty. Here are just a few examples of the many Danish programmes you can gain access to:
Entreprenørskab og design
Ernæring og sundhed
Visuel kommunikation
Medicin (læge)
Elektronik og it
Europæiske studier
Policies , code of conduct and IB learner profile